Miscellaneous products in distribution

Scales, bowls, incense, candles and more products in distribution.

Distribution of
Pro Escale escale
Bong Weed
Bong Bowl
Chaz Busters
Dabber stick
Juicy incense

  • Chaz Busters

  • Incienso Juicy Varitas

  • Incienso Juicy Litchi

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Our brands

These are the brands of Miscellaneous that we have in distribution:

Comercial Ancrisa 2011 S.L.
Distribución Horeca y CSC
Carrer Segre, 24
08110 Montcada i Reixac
Telf: 93 555 11 80
Telf: 649 447 061

© 2023 Comercial Ancrisa 2001 SL. | Distribución de bebidas, aperitivos y parafernalia para CSC
Telf: 93 555 11 80 | Telf: 649 447 061 | info@distribucion-ancrisa.com