Terms and conditions


These terms and conditions of use, and Privacy Policy, regulate the use according to Directive 2009/136/EC, which amends the law 34/2002 of July 11, 2002 of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce of the WEBSITE: https://distribucion-ancrisa.com, of which, COMERCIAL ANCRISA 2001, SL, hereinafter ANCRISA, with NIF: B-62677885, Commercial Register of: BARCELONA, Volume: 33933, Folio: 129, SECTION 8, Sheet: B 236185, with Address at: SEGRE, 24, POL.IND (PLA D’EN COLL), Postal Code: 08810, Town: MONTCADA I REIXAC, Province: BARCELONA, is the owner.


Through its WEBSITE, https://distribucion-ancrisa.com, of which it is the owner and administrator, ANCRISA, of the activity of wholesale distributor of beverages, food, cleaning products and paraphernalia, specializing in CSC, horeca and food.


The Web: https://distribucion-ancrisa.com, may host advertising or sponsored content. Advertisers or sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that the information displayed on this website complies with the laws that may be applicable in each case, ANCRISA, shall not be liable for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity that may contain advertising content or sponsors.


The administrator of the website will make every effort to resolve all queries and procedures requested to all USERS, as soon as possible in the demand for consultations.

However, sometimes, and for reasons beyond the control of the website administrator, such as human error or incidents in computer systems, it is possible that the speed finally served to the USERS, is not adequate to manage the requested sales.

In the event that the management of the purchase is not available or could not get to finish the registration process, after having made the management in the sales form, the USER will be informed by email of the total cancellation of this process.


The administrator of the web page, has the maximum security measures commercially available in the sector. The secure server establishes a connection so that the information is transmitted encrypted by algorithms of 128 bits, to 256 bits, which ensure that it is only intelligible and understandable by the USER’s device, and that of the WEBSITE, in this way, by using the SSL protocol, “Secure Socket Layer”, the predecessor of the protocol, TLS, “Transport Layer Security”, which are cryptographic protocols that provide privacy and integrity in secure communications over a communication network, commonly the Internet, which ensures that the information transmitted over the network can not be intercepted or modified by unauthorized elements, ensuring that only legitimate senders and receivers are the ones who have access to the communication in an integral manner which guarantees:

1. That the USER, is communicating his data to the server center of the administrator of the web page and not to any other that tried to impersonate it.

2. That between the USER, and the server center of the administrator of the web page the data are transmitted encrypted, avoiding its possible reading or manipulation by third parties.



USERS, are fully responsible for their conduct, when accessing the information on the WEBSITE while browsing the same as well as after having accessed.

As a consequence, the USERS, are the only ones responsible before the administrator of the web page and third parties of:

1.- The consequences that may derive from a use, with illicit purposes or effects or contrary to the present document of any content of the WEBSITE, elaborated or not by the administrator of the web page published under its name in an official way.

As well as the consequences that may arise from the use contrary to the contents of this document and harmful to the interests or rights of others, or that may damage, disable or impair the WEBSITE, or prevent the normal enjoyment by other users.

The administrator of the web page reserves the right to update the contents when he considers it convenient, as well as to eliminate them, to limit them or to prevent the access to them, in a temporary or definitive way, as well as to deny the access to the WEBSITE to USERS, who make a bad use of the contents and/or do not comply with any of the terms and conditions that appear in the present document.

The administrator of the web page informs that he does not guarantee:

a) That access to the WEBSITE, and / or the linked websites is uninterrupted and error free.

b) That the content or software to which the USERS access through the website or the linked websites does not contain any error, computer virus or other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in their system or in the electronic documents and files stored in their computer system or cause any other type of damage.

c) – The use of the information or content of the WEBSITE or linked websites that USERS may make for their personal purposes.


The web page administrator reserves the right to modify, at any time, the presentation and configuration of the WEBSITE, as well as the present terms and conditions of use.

Therefore, the administrator of the website recommends the USER to read carefully the terms and conditions of use each time he/she accesses the WEBSITE.

The USERS will always have these terms and conditions of use in a visible place, freely accessible for as many consultations as they wish to make.


The administrator of the web page does not assume any responsibility derived, by way of example but not limited to:

1.- Of the use that the USERS, can make of the WEBSITE or webs of link, whether prohibited or allowed, in infraction of the rights of intellectual and/or industrial property.

2 .- Any damages to USERS, caused by normal or abnormal operation of search tools and location of content and / or access to the WEBSITE, errors or problems that are generated in the development or implementation of the technical elements available on the WEBSITE.

For the contents of those pages to which USERS may access from links included in the WEBSITE, whether authorized or not.

Access by minors (16 years old) to the contents included in the WEBSITE, being the responsibility of their parents or guardians, such as having any of the tools to control the use of the Internet in sending personal data without the prior authorization of their legal guardians.

The administrator of the web page will not be responsible in any case when they occur:

a.- Errors or delays in accessing the WEBSITE, by the USER, at the time of entering their data in the registration form, the slowness or impossibility of receipt by the recipients of the confirmation of the purchase or any anomaly that may arise when these incidents are due to problems in the Internet network, causes of fortuitous event or force majeure and any other unforeseeable contingency beyond the good faith of the administrator of the website.

b.- Errors or incidents that may occur in communications, deletion or incomplete transmissions, so that there is no guarantee that the services of the website are constantly operational.

c.- Of the errors or damages produced to the web site by an inefficient use of the service and of bad faith on the part of the USER.

d.- Of the non operability or problems in the electronic address facilitated by the USER, for the shipment of the confirmation of the realized purchases.

In any case, the administrator of the web page promises to solve the problems that can arise and to offer all the necessary support to the USER, to arrive at a fast and satisfactory solution of the incidence.

Likewise, the website administrator has the right to carry out promotional campaigns to promote the registration of new users in its online service.


The administrator of the website has all rights over the content, design and source code of this page and WEBSITE, and, in particular, including but not limited to, photographs, images, text, logos, designs, trademarks, trade names and data included on the website.

USERS are warned that these rights are protected by current Spanish and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property, Royal Decree-Legislative 1/1996 of 12 April and subsequent amendments.

Directive-EU-2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on copyright and related rights in the digital single market.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, the content of the WEBSITE, also has the consideration of computer program, therefore, it is also applicable all the Spanish and European Community regulations in force on the subject.

It is also strictly forbidden the copy, reproduction, adaptation, modification, distribution, commercialization, public communication and/or any other action that involves an infringement of current Spanish, European and/or international regulations on intellectual and/or industrial property, as well as the use of the contents of the website without the prior express written authorization of the administrator.

The administrator of the web page informs that he does not grant license or implicit authorization on the rights of intellectual and/or industrial property or on any other right or property related, directly or indirectly, with the contents included in the WEBSITE: https://distribucion-ancrisa.com.

The use of the contents of the web domain is only authorized for information and service purposes, provided that the source is cited or referenced, the user being solely responsible for the misuse of the same.


These terms and conditions of use are governed by the applicable Spanish law on the matter. To resolve any controversy or conflict that may arise, the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of CERDANYOLA, Judicial Party of, MONTCADA I REIXAC, city of origin of the entity, ANCRISA, owner of the WEBSITE, https://distribucion-ancrisa.com, unless the law imposes another jurisdiction.


By Law 7/2017, in its Article, 40.5, which transposes into Spanish law the Directive, 2013/11/EU, and Regulation-EU-524/2013, of the European Parliament and of the Council, in its Article, 5.1, which states what is related to alternative dispute resolution in consumer matters: online dispute resolution platform: (click here).


In the event that any clause of these terms and conditions of use is declared null and void, the remaining clauses shall remain in force and shall be interpreted taking into account the will of the parties and the very purpose of these terms and conditions.

The web page administrator may not exercise any of the rights and faculties conferred in this document, which will not imply in any case the waiver of the same unless expressly recognized by the web page administrator or prescription of the action that in each case corresponds.


USERS undertake to browse the WEBSITE and use the content in good faith.

In compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation-EU-2016/679, the LOPDGDD-3/2018, the LSSI-34/2002, and Law 9/2014, General Telecommunications, we inform you that the completion of any existing form on the WEBSITE: https://distribucion-ancrisa. com, or sending an email to any of our mailboxes implies acceptance of this privacy policy, as well as authorization to the website administrator to process the personal data you provide, which will be incorporated into the file, owned by ANCRISA, Data Controller and / or administrator of the website.

The USERS’ data will be used to send via email the online and physical managements carried out by the website administrator.

By the mere visit to the WEBSITE, the USERS do not provide personal information nor are they obliged to provide it.

The website administrator undertakes to keep the maximum reserve and confidentiality of the information provided and to use it only for the indicated purposes. The website administrator presumes that the data have been entered by the owner or by a person authorized by him, as well as that they are correct and accurate.

ANCRISA also informs of the possibility of exercising the rights of access, which allows the web user to know what personal data the administrator of this page has and in this case answer within 30 days, provided you keep the data, rectification, which allows correct errors, modify data that are inaccurate or incomplete and ensure the accuracy of the information, opposition that may request and get not to carry out the processing of data, deletion that allows inappropriate or excessive data to be deleted, limitation, by which you may request that the processing of your data be limited when you have exercised your right to rectification of your personal data, and portability, so that the user can obtain a copy of the personal data you have provided on the website in order to be able to transmit them to other services, these rights may be exercised by any means that leaves evidence of its sending and receipt to the address of the administrator of the WEBSITE, or to the e-mail: info@distribucion-ancrisa.com, providing a photocopy of your ID card or alternative documentation proving your identity.

As long as you do not inform us otherwise, we will understand that your data have not been modified, that you undertake to notify us of any variation and that we have the consent to use them in order to be able to maintain the relationship between both parties.

The sending of your data through the form(s) on our website is subject to the condition that you have read/accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce in Article 21, we ask for your consent to send advertising communications that we believe may be of interest to you, by email or any other means of electronic communication equivalent, this consent will be accepted with the acceptance of these conditions of use by a check box at the bottom of the form or web page.

To modify, update or cancel their personal data the USER, will write from the email of their account to, info@distribucion-ancrisa.com, with the subject.

Therefore, the USER is responsible for the veracity of the data and the administrator of the web page will not be responsible for the inaccuracy of the personal data of the USERS.

In accordance with the current legislation in the matter of data protection, the administrator of the web page has adopted the levels of security adapted to the data facilitated by the USERS and, in addition, has installed all the means and measures within its reach to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and extraction of the same ones.


Web sales conditions

The clauses of conditions of sale of the WEBSITE: https://distribucion-ancrisa.com, of which is administrator, COMERCIAL ANCRISA 2001, SL, hereinafter ANCRISA, regulate the marketing and online sale of our products and act as a contractual document of the purchase and the conditions set out in this website.

Due to the content and purpose of the WEBSITE, people who want information must fill out the contact form, those who want to purchase the products offered on this website, must register in the USERS/CUSTOMERS form, which is acquired by completing the REGISTRATION form, your data will be incorporated into an automated file for protection in application to the Laws and General Data Protection Regulation-UE-2016/679, the LOPD-3/2018, of guarantee of digital rights, for electronic commerce the LSSI-CE-34/2002, the Telecommunications Law 9/2014, the Directive 2011/83/EU, on consumer rights and Law 3/2014, of 27 March amending the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary Laws.

According to article 6 paragraph f, and article 8, paragraph 1, of the RGPD-UE-2016/679, and by the LOPD-3/2018, of Guarantee of Digital Rights in its article 84, (protection of minors in Interne), expose that when the interested party is a minor under 16 years of age, he/she may not give consent for an online commerce to collect his/her personal data, such processing will only be considered lawful if the consent was given or authorized by the holder or holders of parental authority or guardianship over the minor, and only to the extent that it was given or authorized in connection with the direct offer of services of the information society, unless the minor is at least 16 years old, which will be lawful consent.


The WEBSITE: https://distribucion-ancrisa.com, of which is Administrator, ANCRISA, online sales and wholesale distributor of beverages, beers, alcoholic beverages, snacks, snacks, food and cleaning products and paraphernalia for the sectors of CSC, HORECA, Barcelona and Peninsula.
For access to the online store of this Web, you must first access the My Account form, fill it out and register to request the Administrator access to the store as a customer, if your request is accepted you will be sent the access codes with username and password, and in this way you will have all the information of the products displayed and the form of payment of the products purchased.


The prices displayed that are indicated through the WEBSITE, includes VAT on all products and the price of shipping to the Peninsula, will depend on the weight, volume and distance, rate to be reflected at the time of acceptance of the purchase in the section MY CART.

ANCRISA, is personally in charge of the daily and regular distribution of its products to customers requesting orders in the area of Barcelona and surroundings from Monday to Friday.


Once the order is formalized, that is, with the acceptance of the conditions of sale and conditions of web use and confirmation of the purchase process in the section MY CART, the administrator of the website, https://distribucion-ancrisa.com, will send an email to the USER/CUSTOMER, confirming the details of the order and the products purchased.


The USER/CUSTOMER, will pay with the currency of euro €, at the time of the confirmation of the order of the products purchased, or by the means of payment that has arranged with the administrator of the web as a customer.

The USER/CUSTOMER, will have to pay the amount corresponding to his order by means of payment system; DEBIT CARD, VISA, MASTERCARD, PAY PAL and others, by BANK TRANSFER or BANK RECEIPT issued by ANCRISA.

The USER/CUSTOMER must notify the web page administrator of any undue or fraudulent charge in the payment system used, by e-mail, info@distribucion-ancrisa.com, or by telephone, +34 93 555 11 80, as soon as possible so that the web administrator can take the appropriate steps.


This WEBSITE, https://distribucion-ancrisa.com, complies with the PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry-Data Security Standard) mandatory compliance for all those websites that store, handle and process sensitive financial information such as bank card data.

The WEBSITE: https://distribucion-ancrisa.com, website has the highest security measures commercially available in the industry. The secure server establishes a connection so that the information is transmitted encrypted by algorithms of 128 bits, to 256 bits, in this way, by using the SSL protocol, “Secure Socket Layer”, which are cryptographic protocols that provide privacy and integrity in secure communications between the client and the web administrator.

ANCRISA, has its own order delivery service in Barcelona and surroundings, and the usual delivery time is, 24 hours from Monday to Friday, and for the Peninsula are used the systems established by Courier and the delivery time specified in the order confirmation process is, 48 hours and are indicated in working days, although a delay in delivery will not be cause for penalty.

Delivery times may vary due to logistical reasons or force majeure. In the delays of the deliveries the administrator of the web page will inform his USERS/CUSTOMERS, as soon as he has knowledge of it.

The administrator of the website will not be responsible for errors caused in the delivery when the customer address entered in the registration form of the purchase order, have been incorrect or lack of data of the USER/CUSTOMER.

Each delivery is considered made from the moment the order is made available to the USER/CUSTOMER, which is materialized through the control system used by ANCRISA, which carries out the transport of the order.

Delays in delivery shall not be considered in cases where the order has been made available to the USER/CUSTOMER, within the deadline and could not be delivered for reasons attributable to the USER/CUSTOMER.


In the shipments to the Peninsula and at the time of delivery the USER/CUSTOMER, is absent, the deliveryman will leave a proof of delivery indicating how to proceed to collect the order.

The administrator of the website hires for shipments to the Peninsula as part of the delivery service of the order to a courier company, and other systems who will ensure that delivery occurs.

If after 7 working days, after the delivery of the order, the USER/CUSTOMER has not arranged the delivery, he/she should contact the administrator of the website and communicate the possible incident.

In the event that the USER/CUSTOMER, does not proceed in this way, after the working days stipulated by the transport delivery companies since the delivery of the order, the order will be returned, and the USER/CUSTOMER, must bear the costs of returning the order as well as the associated management costs.

If the reason for which the delivery could not be made, is the loss of the order, ANCRISA, will initiate an investigation that will delay the delivery of the order, a circumstance that the administrator of this website, solved with the customer.


The USER/CUSTOMER, must check the good condition of the order before the deliveryman who, on behalf of the administrator of the website makes the delivery of the requested order. If later, once revised the products the USER/CUSTOMER, detects any incidence like indications of having been manipulated or any damage caused in this one by the shipment, this one promises to communicate it as soon as possible to the administrator of the web page, to the telephone: +34 93 555 11 80, or via e-mail: info@distribucion-ancrisa.com.



The content of these clauses of web sale, act as proof of purchase between the web administrator and the customer, in accordance with the Royal Legislative Decree, 1/2007, in its article 69, 71 and 76, the Law 3/2014 of 27 March article 71,104. b, 107, and 108, products purchased on this website, may be returned and refunded, provided that the USER/CUSTOMER, communicates to the administrator its intention to return the order, article, 104.b, the consumer and user will have a minimum period of fourteen (14) calendar days (14) to exercise the right of withdrawal from receipt of the product / s purchased / s until the return and arrival at the premises of, ANCRISA.


The right of withdrawal shall not be applicable to contracts, in attention to article, 103, of Law 3/2014, when the following sections concur:
(d) The supply of goods that may deteriorate or expire rapidly.
e) The supply of sealed goods that are not suitable to be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene and that have been unsealed after delivery.
f) The supply of goods that after delivery and taking into account their nature have been mixed in an inseparable way with other goods.
g) The supply of alcoholic beverages whose price has been agreed upon at the time of concluding the sales contract and which cannot be delivered within 30 days, and whose actual value depends on market fluctuations beyond the control of the entrepreneur.

6.3. RETURN:

The website administrator will only accept returns that meet the following requirements:

(a) The product must be in the same condition in which it was delivered and must retain its original packaging and labeling.
b) The shipment must be made using the same packaging in which it was received to protect the product.
c) In the event that it cannot be done with the packaging in which it was delivered, the USER/CUSTOMER must return it in a protective wrapping so that the product reaches the website administrator with the maximum possible guarantees for review.
d) A copy of the delivery note or invoice issued must be included inside the packaging, explaining the reason for the return.

If the reason for the return is attributable to the website administrator (the product is incorrect or incomplete, it is not what had been ordered, etc.), the amount of the return will be refunded in application of article, 107.1, of Law 3/2014, if the reason is otherwise, the cost of the return expenses will be borne by the USER/CUSTOMER;
To proceed with a return, the following steps must be followed.

1.- You must inform as soon as possible in working days to the delivery and indicate that the product wants to be returned.
2.- The administrator of the Web page will inform the USER/CUSTOMER, of the address to which the product must be sent.
The USER/CUSTOMER, must return the products by the same system that the shipment was delivered. The return will be paid by the USER/CUSTOMER.
The administrator of the web page, accepts and treats the returns and exchanges under the protection of the local Laws, and the Directive of the EU previously mentioned.


Refund of the amount of the order; if you wish you can exchange the product for other items from the catalog exposed.
The website administrator will manage the refund of the amount of the order, under the same system that was used for the payment. The application of the refund in the account or card of the, USER/CUSTOMER, will depend on the payment system and the issuing bank, in attention to article 107.1 and 108, of Law 3/2014.

These terms and conditions of sale and use are governed by the applicable Spanish law on the matter. To resolve any controversy or dispute arising, the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of CERDANYOLA, Judicial Party of MONTCADA I REIXAC, the home town of, COMERCIAL ANCRISA 2001, SL, owner of the WEBSITE, https://distribucion-ancrisa.com, unless the law imposes another jurisdiction.

In application of Law 7/2017, of 2 November, in its Article 40.5, which incorporates into Spanish law the Directive, 2013/11/EU, Regulation-EU-524/2013, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May, in its Article 5.1, concerning alternative dispute resolution in consumer matters for online purchases of products: online dispute resolution platform: (click here).


COMERCIAL ANCRISA 2001, SL, with CIF: B62677885, informs of the possibility of exercising the rights of access, rectification, opposition, suppression, limitation, and portability, these rights may be exercised by any means that leaves evidence of sending and receipt to the address: SEGRE, 24, POL. IND, (PLA D’EN COLL), Postal Code: 08810, Town: MONTCADA I REIXAC, Province: BARCELONA, or by e-mail: info@distribucion-ancrisa.com, providing a photocopy of your ID card or alternative documentation proving your identity.


Comercial Ancrisa 2011 S.L.
Distribución Horeca y CSC
Carrer Segre, 24
08110 Montcada i Reixac
Telf: 93 555 11 80
Telf: 649 447 061

© 2023 Comercial Ancrisa 2001 SL. | Distribución de bebidas, aperitivos y parafernalia para CSC
Telf: 93 555 11 80 | Telf: 649 447 061 | info@distribucion-ancrisa.com